Grassley not settling for prison reform without sentencing reform

Stef W. Kight 9 mins ago

Grassley not settling for prison reform without sentencing reform
Chuck Grassley sitting with papers and laughing
Sen. Chuck Grassley. Photo: Alex Wong / Getty
Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley was given the White House's prison reform goals which focus on funding programs that help inmates prepare for a successful re-entry. The issue, Grassley "is focused on passing sound policy, not the path of least resistance," according to spokesman George Hartmann.
Big picture: The Judiciary Chairman will continue talking with the White House about comprehensive criminal justice reform which includes sentencing reform and mens rea reform, according to Hartmann. Sen. Mike Lee, a cosponsor of the Grassley-Durbin bill, told Axios that he supports Sen. John Cornyn and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse's bill as well, which addresses the prison reform portion of the Grassley-Durbin bill, but not sentencing reform.

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